Friday, May 8, 2009


Part #1

Part #2

Part #3

Part #4

AWT: Any final thoughts about your time on Another World?
MP: It was a great treat to be a part of the Another World family for almost ten years. I was very, very lucky. I got to work with some extraordinary people. I made life-long friendships from that show. Two of my best friends are Charles Keating (Carl) and David Hedison (Spencer). Charles lives ten minutes from me, I see him two, three times a week. Hedison was really my mentor. When I met him, we clicked immediately. Again, it was a case of me moving towards an actor who’d been around longer than I have. I see him as much as I can. David is 82 years old now and he wouldn’t mind me saying he looks extraordinary. He’s in great shape, great health. I love him dearly. As I do Charles. Charles is a one of a kind actor. Extraordinarily passionate, a beautifully gifted actor. And not just an actor, a writer, a composer. And then Vicky Wyndham (Rachel) lives in my town up here. All of these people, I took away from my time at Another World. It was a huge gift for me, more than just monetarily. It was a very important part of my career, and a very rich time in the history of Another World. I took away great memories.

Come back next week for a five part interview with Linda Dano, who explains exactly where she thinks Felicia is today -- and what she's up to!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you AW Today for this wonderful interview with Mark Pinter. I also took away great memories from Another World. Can't wait for next week's interview with my favorite actress, Linda Dano!
