Part #1
AWT: The AW episodes on Hulu and YouTube debuted with the 1991 Sharlene vs. Taylor Benson storyline. What do you remember about it?
AH: Oh, I think it was a lot of fun. Christine Andreas was new to the soap world and I think she did a wonderful job of playing the manipulative "shrink"(apologies to any real ones!). I, unfortunately, vividly remember the episode in which Taylor is chasing Sharlene around the merry-go-round with a gun. I actually winced when I saw it again - some acute overacting on my part!
AWT: What is your favorite storyline from your time in Bay City? Was there a storyline that you wished had gone a different way? Was there a storyline that you would have liked for Sharlene that, unfortunately, did not happen?
AH: Hmmm, been a long time. I loved the early romance between John and Sharlene. The split personality was great fun. I do, however, wish that it had been a more truthful telling of a person struggling with MPD. But, I guess that would have been a bit ugly for daytime entertainment. I always liked Grayson McCouch (Dusty) and Charles Keating's (Carl) work. I think it would have been fun to 'play' with them. As actors, it's always fun to hit the ball with someone who can hit it back, someone who challenges you. I wish they'd brought back Christine Jones as Janice Frame - maybe we could have had some kind of family feud! It would have been fun to spar with her!
AWT: What would be your dream storyline for what Sharlene has been up to all these years?
AH: Calling on my imagination here! Hellloooooo! Anyone in there . . . let's see . . . Sharlene and John have gone off together, right? So, at some point, Sharlene tells John that it's time to bring back the "Pet Rock". Remember those, anyone? Little rocks painted up with faces, sold in little cages on convenience store counters - a total fad that sold millions, and made millions for whomever the inventor was back in the '70s. So, Sharlene convinces John that this idea has merit and that the timing might be just right to try the silliness again. Together, against all odds, they raise the funds, Sharlene hides out in a little studio she's rented, painting faces on rocks and 'caging them'. People think the two of them have gone mad - but, NO, they sell like hotcakes! Soon they are interviewed and on the cover of every major magazine, newspaper and TV show - they're a hit - the rocks, too! And, they make their fortune. After that, the potential storylines are ripe - sky's the limit!!! What goes up . . . :)
AWT: What have you been up to these days? Where can your fans see you? Do you have any projects in the works?
AH: I have enjoyed a nice voice-over career, which I am extremely grateful for, while basically being a stay-at-home mom. Since Bruce is still a pilot who, therefore, is on the road half the month, I am the hub. And, I have to tell you, I am happy being 'the hub'. Johanna is off in her freshman year of college,(how did that happen?!), and Henry will be a freshman in HS next year. Henry likes 'the party' of afterschool friends to be at his house - and I like having my finger on the pulse of my 14 year old's life. I have been teaching my one little acting class a week for the past four years. About ten children ages 10-13, who are such a kick. The only project I have in the works is the play that I've just written for them. Don't believe it will win any Tonys, but, oh my, it has been very rewarding to watch them dive into this piece.
AWT: Would you like to say anything to the fans of AW?
AH: Thank you. It was a treat to have experienced the commitment fans have towards daytime and its characters. I had a blast. I wish you all the best!
Dusty was Grayson McCouch's role on As the World Turns. He was Morgan Winthrop on AW.