Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Two years ago, the PGP Classic Soaps Blog interviewed Lisa Peluso about her experiences working on Search for Tomorrow.

At the time, she was happy to share that, "I am now happier with my life than I ever have been. After 25 years in daytime and putting my whole heart and soul into it, I'm glad at this point in my life to be focused on my children, marriage, faith and the humanitarian overseas work my husband and I are blessed to have the opportunity to do. I will always treasure my time in daytime, but look at it as my past. I am happier now to focus on reaching out to the world around me in more of a hands-on capacity rather than to entertain it. It was a joy to make people laugh or cry through my work. The way I look at the humanitarian work that I've been privileged to do -- that is now my passion, and more my present focus -- is I get to still do that, but in an even more gratifying way. Rather than through the eyes of a camera, it pleases me to have the opportunity to hold their hands and look into their eyes and try to give something of value more lasting than a feeling that lasts until the next episode. That’s where I am now."

You can read her entire interview, here.

This week, catches up with Lisa to talk about her time in Bay City!

AWT: Cass and Lila got married on the last episode of AW. What was it like to be part of such a historic episode?
LP: It was bittersweet, because the show was ending. I, of course, would have preferred a less high profile option if we could have kept Another World on the air.

AWT: The wedding was a happy occasion, but the cancellation was not. How did the cast manage to put on happy faces to tape that last episode, when they were really feeling anything but?
LP: Well, in this business, you know nothing lasts forever. AW lasted longer than most. (The final episode) was not an occasion without tears, but the show, even the last one, must go on. That's show biz!

AWT: What are some of your favorite memories of your time on Another World?
LP: Just the daily day to day was a joy. I had such a great experience there. For a while I kept in touch with Robert Kelker-Kelly (Shane), Kim Rhodes (Cindy) and Rhonda Ross Kendrick (Toni), but sadly we have not kept in touch in recent years. But they are all still warmly in my thoughts. I still keep in touch with Eldo Estes, the show's make-up artist.

AWT: Lila came on as quite the bad-girl schemer, but she mellowed in the two years that you played her. What was it like to take a character through an arc like that?
LP: It was awesome. Lila was a great character. I miss her very much.

AWT: What do you think Lila has been up to for the past ten years? What kind of a wife has she been? What kind of a mother? What kind of a stepmother? What kind of relationship do she and Matt have now?
LP: I would think that since she finally found true love and security with Cass, that her attempts at all her new roles would be successful. Because even though Lila thought it was being rich that she really wanted, I think she got what she really needed, in spite of herself.

AWT: What has Lisa Peluso been up to for the past ten years?
LP: I have been settled in a happy marriage now for close to fourteen years. I have two children whom I adore, and I am finally living a life outside of the limelight. Having been in the business literally since I was four months old, it's very nice to be in the place I am in right now. I enjoy life and my family.

AWT: Do you have any message that you would like to send to the AW fans who still have fond memories of the show?
LP: Thanks for your loyalty to the show. AW fans were always the most passionate and loyal fans I've ever known. Love you guys! I miss the show too. I think it was a great experience being part of such a great show, whether you were in it or watching it. We are all part of Another World!

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