Part #1
Part #2
Part #3
Part #4
AWT: Over the past few years, you’ve done guest appearances on Desperate Housewives and What I Like About You, and you appeared in the movie Reservation Road. Any chance we might see you as a regular on television again?
LD: I love to act, but I’m not looking to have a 9 to 5 job. I really like not having that kind of intense workload. I love that I can spend time at my house and with friends and have no responsibilities. If you’d asked me this five years ago, I’d have said, “Don’t be ridiculous! I’ll never ever stop being a maniac or stop working!” I’ve got to tell you, not working is the best! I’m very excited about gardening this Spring. As everyone says, I certainly have earned the right to do what I’m doing now. I did work like a dog forever. So now it’s just my time.
AWT: But you do have projects outside of acting. You’re working with QVC?
LD: I have a line of home accessories for QVC that I’ve been doing for two years now. My husband died, and I didn’t want to do anything that I had been doing when he was alive. It’s too painful for me. QVC wanted me to come back to do fashion accessories, but I said, “No, please, I really can’t.” So they said, “Okay, how would you like to do Home?” I thought “Wow. I love to decorate people’s homes!” That’s what I started out in life to be, a decorator. So we’ve been doing it for two years. Sometime next year, I’m hoping to add some fashion accessories to my home shows. I also blog for them. Ideas and tips about ways to make your home more beautiful, and how to do it for no money. I do one about once a month. (Check out Linda's blog, here!)
AWT: You were also the spokesperson for Eli Lilly Pharmaceuticals The Support Partners Program, an awareness program to help people understand about clinical depression.
LD: That was probably the best kind of work I’ve ever done in my whole career. I really believe that I made a difference in so many lives. I found myself right in the middle of depression when I lost Frank, and I really struggled to help myself. In that time, I was asked to help others, and I thought: Maybe I should do this, maybe that’s why God took Frank, maybe I’m supposed to do this. And, I must say, it helped me, and we helped so many people. People who were living in a pretend world that they were fine and they weren’t fine at all. Which is what a lot of people who are depressed do. I’m really proud of that work.
AWT: Is there anything that you would like to say to the fans, who are still passionate about Another World 10 years after it went off the air?
LD: I will say this: I have been on practically every show. (After AW ended I went to ABC and worked on all of their shows.) And I have to tell you: AW was one great show. It was really beautifully acted, well-written and well-directed. It had a heart that just had a kind of little beat that went on and on and on. When people stop any of us who were on Another World to say how much they miss us, I understand why, because it really was that kind of show. It reached out and grabbed you as a viewer and made you feel like you were part of a family. And we will always miss it, the way you’d miss a love affair. You’ll always miss it. But the fans' love affair with the show was warranted, that’s what I want to tell them. It was worth the years they spent watching it.
Many thanks & much love to Linda Dano for her continued recognition of the AW fans. Obviously, we are a devoted bunch and this website (among others) is a testament to the love the fans still have for the show and it's amazing actors/characters. While I certainly do miss seeing Ms. Dano on TV every day (twice a day in the late 80's/early 90's!), she definitely has earned the right to take it easy. In addition to her home accessory line on QVC, I hope that she will occasionally make a movie or guest on a show (how about L&O?). Until that happens, I will definitely be watching the AW epi's on *hulu* and *YT* whenever I need my "DanoFix."
ReplyDeleteI love and loved Another was my favorite place to be on Sunday nights...I would tape the show all week and enjoy 5 hrs of it with a glass of wine on Sunday nights!!! I had watched it from the very first day until the very last. I so enjoyed reading Linda's interview. Enjoy gardening, Linda. It is the most relaxing place to be.
ReplyDeleteI just loved watching AW and after it was taken off, never watched another soap opera . Lina Dano was one of my favorites on the show and I would love to see more of her on T.V.