Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Part #1

Part #2

: In 2003, you hosted the Another World Reunion Special on SoapNet. What was that experience like?
LD: That was wonderful. It was just so wonderful to come together again. We had clips in it so we saw work that we hadn’t seen in forever. Some of the stories people told, we’d never heard before. The actor who was telling it had never shared it with anyone, it was their own personal story. And it was just grand. I so loved doing it, and everyone who came was so glad to be part of it. It was great, just great. Another World was a show that really was a family and we were close.

AWT: You recently had an unofficial, mini-reunion of sorts?
LD: Just recently I, along with Stephen Schnetzer (Cass), John Bolger (Gabe), Mark Pinter (Grant) and David Forsyth (John), we all got together under the heading of Linda Laundra, who was one of our most beloved producers. She asked all of us to do a reading on tape. I hadn’t seen David for a few years. I saw Mark maybe last year. I see Stephen more than anybody, and John Bolger. I came in from Connecticut, but most of them came from far away places. John came in from Boston, and Stephen came in from Washington, DC where he’s in a play. We all got there and it was like we started in the middle of a sentence. It was memorable. We were all so grateful to Linda for inviting us to do this. We did it for free, nothing was spoken about money. We just came because 1) We all love her, and 2) we all love each other. How wonderful to spend an afternoon together!

1 comment:

  1. What a thrill to read the interviews with the stars of Another World and to follow the storyline that is provided on the internet. Another World was my very favorite program and I was so disappointed when it was cancelled.As Linda Dano said, you just felt as if you were a part of the family. Sure would like to see a reunion show! Thanks to all of the wonderful actors who provided so much entertainment.-----Jane H.
